How To shed abdominal fat Quickly And Easily – 100% Safe!

Ban the Pot Belly

Many people struggle with stubborn belly fat, even those with seemingly healthy BMI and body fat percentages. The pot belly seems to be quite a big issue for men and it can get worse as you get older. Unfortunately, weight loss alone cannot target specific areas such as the abdomen and you can do crunches all day without results. So what can be done about the unwanted bulge and the ‘skinny fat’? Foodmatters brings up an interesting point and all the science behind it:

You have to focus on the hormone balance. To get rid of the pot belly, it is necessary to balance 4 hormones. The localisation of fat on the abdomen is caused by the stress hormone cortisol. That is why a pot belly is sometimes called a ‘stress belly.

And there are three hormones that counteract the effect of cortisol. These are the growth hormone, testosterone, and DHEA. Schematic representation:

  • Storage of belly fat -> Cortisol
  • Burning of belly fat -> Growth hormone / Testosterone / DHEA

You will therefore need to inhibit the catabolic hormone cortisol, which breaks down muscle mass and raises fat storage, and boost the anabolic hormones growth hormone, testosterone, and DHEA, which promote muscle growth and fat loss. If you are young, the anabolic hormones are profusely available and will counteract the fattening effect of cortisol. As you get older, it becomes more difficult to win the fight against the pot belly. After all, growth hormone, testosterone, and DHEA will be reduced as you age.’
According to the research it is crucial to reduce stress by finding time for relaxing activities, train but not over train, limit the consumption of sugar and processed foods and sleep enough! according to Ralph Moorman:

To Boost DHEA and testosterone levels:

  • Make sure you consume sufficient amounts of saturated fats and Omega-9 fats. These two types of fat will raise DHEA and testosterone while poly-unsaturated fats (from seeds, nuts, linseed, and fish) will lower testosterone. DHEA and testosterone are produced from cholesterol.
  • Power exercises that focus on the large muscle groups – no longer than one hour per session – will boost testosterone, while longer cardio sessions, on the other hand, will reduce the testosterone level.
  • Reduce stress, because stress will lower testosterone and DHEA.
  • Make sure you are successful! Winning will boost the testosterone level.
  • As you get older, the physician may prescribe testosterone gel to counteract a shortage.
  • Do not wear tight shorts or trousers, because the high temperature thus created will inhibit the production of testosterone by the testicles.
    Although inconvenient sometimes, there is a reason for the testicles to be on the outside of the body. They need to lose their heat that way.
  • Reduce the alcohol intake. The beer belly says it all.
  • Do not eat liquorice and do not drink liquorice infusions.

All those tips will help you to not only remain fit and slim but also healthy. Take care of yourself now and don’t let belly fat bring you down!


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